Why You Should Stop Using Whey Protein: An Expert's Perspective

Are you worried about taking whey protein? An expert explains why you should stop using whey protein supplements and what to consider when choosing an alternative.

Why You Should Stop Using Whey Protein: An Expert's Perspective

Whey protein is a popular supplement among active people, as it is absorbed quickly and is often used as a recovery drink after workouts. But what are the real dangers of whey? Is it worth the cost? In this article, an expert explains why you should stop using whey protein and what to consider when choosing a protein supplement. Milk contains two types of protein: whey and casein. When the curd is separated from the milk, the liquid that remains is whey protein. Manufacturers typically use rigorous processes to extract whey and turn it into powder.

However, every time a substance is processed or manufactured synthetically, even if it's pure or made up of 100% of the same substances found naturally, it always works less effectively in the body. A bottle of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard costs around 9000 BDT in our country. Per serving, it contains 24 grams of protein and costs 125 BDT. On the other hand, 4 eggs contain the same amount of protein, but cost between 40 and 45 BDT. So, in this case, you're consuming solid foods with the right nutrients and proteins at nearly a third of the cost.

Are Whey Protein Supplements Safe?

Are you worried that taking whey protein will cause health problems? What about hidden ingredients, preservatives, sugar and other additives? You don't want to risk your health for a little dust, do you? Leaving aside all the hype and crazy marketing, let's see what science has to say.

Luckily for us, protein supplements have been around for some time. In a nutshell, whey is a by-product of cheese production. It can be consumed as a partial substitute for a meal during or during a workout. All types contain dietary protein as their main ingredient. But there are other nutrients such as fat and carbohydrates (mainly lactose, milk sugar).

In addition, some vitamins and minerals in small doses. The lower the protein content, the higher the content of carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients. This means a better nutrient profile and a better flavor. But if you don't tolerate dairy products well, a “pure” type of whey is likely to be more “good for your gut.” In terms of the overall quality and flavor of the nutrients, the concentrate is probably the best. But Isolate has the highest tolerance level.

It also serves the most protein per serving. Hydrolyze is somewhere in between. The supplement industry is not well regulated. Product claims may be inaccurate or completely false. Transportation and storage can also affect the quality of the supplement.

Digestive Problems

For example, the quality of fish oil can quickly degrade if it isn't stored properly.

However, whey is cheap and very easy to produce. In addition, due to its powdered form, it has a long shelf life. Unlike many other products, it contains very few additives. It is usually made by replacing some of the protein content with carbohydrates. Sugar is cheaper than whey, so it saves money.

But again, a little sugar won't affect your health. The most common problems are related to digestive problems. These may include nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramps. All of these symptoms suggest poor tolerance to whey (dairy products). However, many foods can cause the same problems.

A single spoonful can be problematic for some people. People with dairy intolerance or people who are allergic to whey may experience severe discomfort after consuming just a small amount. Most people can take 1 to 2 tablespoons a day with no problem. This is approximately the recommended amount. However, increasing the dose could increase the chance of digestive discomfort.

Tolerance Levels

But tolerance is highly individual.

Keep in mind that whey processing often improves digestion and tolerance. In addition, the type of serum, the dosage and the meal schedule are very important. Eating raw protein sources isn't a great idea either. In addition to poor absorption of nutrients, the likelihood of digestive problems is high. Processed carbohydrates (carbohydrates) affect inflammation levels to a much greater extent.

Recommended Intake

The recommended intake of whey is also not significant enough to cause serious problems.

Let's not forget that inflammation is a vital natural process - for example it can be activated when lifting weights - thanks to which muscles grow and strengthen. Inflammation becomes problematic when it is excessive or chronically elevated - with notable exceptions when caused by poor serum tolerance or an allergy - but healthy people should not fear a high protein intake.


Aside from digestion problems mentioned above there are no other serious dangers associated with taking whey protein shakes - however taking them without clear goals isn't recommended either - if we compare whey to food it's easy to see why exercise doesn't make any difference - food doesn't suddenly become “harmful” when you cancel your gym membership - but controlling intake still matters - if you far exceed recommended intake you could gain fat - in addition cancer rarely has one cause - there are multiple factors that increase risk for certain types. In conclusion taking whey protein isn't necessarily bad for your health but there are better alternatives out there - if you're looking for an effective way to meet your dietary needs consider solid foods like eggs instead - they provide same amount of proteins at much lower cost - also keep in mind that tolerance levels vary from person to person so start with small doses before increasing them.

Ashley Wools
Ashley Wools

Infuriatingly humble food advocate. Friendly bacon specialist. Friendly beer scholar. Total tvaholic. Award-winning tv junkie. Extreme twitter trailblazer.