Why Can't Vegans Consume Whey Protein?

No, whey protein is not suitable for vegans. Learn why and discover plant-based alternatives.

Why Can't Vegans Consume Whey Protein?

No, whey protein is not suitable for vegans. As a dairy product of animal origin, it is not allowed in a vegan diet. Whey is obtained during the production of cheese by filtering the liquid from the curdled milk. Food processors often dehydrate this liquid whey powder.

All types of whey protein are not vegan. Proteins are essential for muscle growth and development, and vegans may opt for plant-based protein powders instead of whey protein. Pea protein is the most common source of plant-based protein powder, and it tends to be a little more expensive than whey protein powders, with a slightly lower protein content per serving. Vegetarians may also choose to avoid whey protein, as it is made from cow's milk and contains an animal product.

Companies such as Beyond Meat are actively working to develop “simulated versions” of animal products that are 100% plant-based. If you find a whey protein supplement that claims to be a “vegan version”, it's best to stay away.

Ashley Wools
Ashley Wools

Infuriatingly humble food advocate. Friendly bacon specialist. Friendly beer scholar. Total tvaholic. Award-winning tv junkie. Extreme twitter trailblazer.