The Potential Side Effects of Whey Protein: What You Need to Know

Whey protein is a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders but it is important to be aware of its potential side effects such as acne and digestive problems. Excessive intake can lead to kidney problems so make sure to increase water and fiber intake when

The Potential Side Effects of Whey Protein: What You Need to Know

Whey protein is a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders, as it helps to improve muscle protein synthesis and promote the growth of lean muscle mass. However, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects of whey protein, as high and consistent doses can cause acne and digestive problems. People with lactose sensitivity may also have difficulty digesting whey protein, as it contains lactose. Additionally, excessive whey protein intake can lead to kidney problems, and it is important to increase water and fiber intake when consuming whey.

From a nutritional point of view, whey protein is very unusual and has no natural equivalent. Some people have trouble digesting whey from the protein itself, so they experience symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, stomach cramps, and bloating. However, this can also be because undigested lactose passes through the small intestine. People often use whey as a supplement, along with resistance exercise, to help improve muscle protein synthesis and promote the growth of lean muscle mass.

Digestive problems can occur if your stomach can't digest all the whey protein you've ingested on time. If you have a whey allergy, you may not experience a noticeable allergic reaction the first time you eat it. If you have well-characterized lactose sensitivity, you may have problems digesting the whey protein you consume because of the lactose contained in whey protein powder. However, most of these studies that show that arterial plaque builds up in rats when given diets rich in protein and fat cannot close the gap and confidently apply a correlation with an active human being who consumes whey protein as a form of exercise, recovery or general health.

Filling your body with high-quality whey and enough water will ensure that your body can digest it all effectively. It is common to find athletes who are compatible with specific whey protein supplements; however, they are highly allergic to whole milk. This becomes a problem because consumers are led to believe that whey is similar to a superfood, when in fact it could damage their liver over time. Based on their findings, the authors of this systematic review concluded that the consumption of whey protein was more associated with negative side effects when taken in “high doses” (40 grams or more) for an extended period of time.

Excessive whey protein intake can lead to kidney problems, especially if you already have them. Normally expressed in percentage terms, whey protein from high-quality grass-fed animals has a perfect score of one hundred percent. Make sure that the whey protein powder you buy contains limited filling ingredients, flavors, and sweeteners. In addition, lactose levels will vary from brand to brand, so you may have to end up experimenting with different types of whey isolate products to find the best brand for your specific sensitivity threshold.

While the benefits of whey are many, many people are unaware of the various health side effects of whey protein. If you consume whey, don't forget to increase your intake of water and fiber to neutralize it.

Ashley Wools
Ashley Wools

Infuriatingly humble food advocate. Friendly bacon specialist. Friendly beer scholar. Total tvaholic. Award-winning tv junkie. Extreme twitter trailblazer.